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致客户书——携手并肩 共迎春暖花开
文章来源:      发布时间:2020年02月05日

    今年我们度过了一个不寻常的春节,全国上下都在为打赢这场战“疫”, 齐心协力、同舟共济。在此,北京时代民芯科技有限公司感谢您长期以来的信任和合作,也真心祝愿您能平安度过这一非常时期。面对新型冠状病毒疫情的严峻态势,北京时代民芯科技有限公司深入贯彻落实党中央、国务院决策部署和集团公司、九院疫情防控工作的相关要求,密切跟踪疫情发展情况,积极应对疫情产生的影响,切实加强客户服务工作,采取如下措施来保障相关工作的正常运行:      
    升级管理方式,提高信息化能力,采取错时、弹性等现场办公方式和电话、微信等远程办公方式相结合,随时随地解决客户技术支持、产品供货等问题。2月10日为正式上班时间(上级另行通知除外),待命期间,职工按要求在家做好隔离防护,同时相关人员24小时保持电话、微信等通讯工具畅通。也欢迎您登陆北京时代民芯科技有限公司 网站、国际网站 www.casc-bmti.com和微信公众号,了解北京时代民芯科技有限公司的相关信息和产品动态。     

Respected customers and partners at home and abroad:
We have been spending an unusual Spring Festival this year in China. The whole nation is working together to overcome the difficult times in order to win this epidemic war. Thank you for your long-term support and trust to Beijing Microelectronics Technology Institute (BMTI), and we sincerely wish you all safe and healthy in this extraordinary period. Facing the severe situation of pneumonia outbreak caused by the novel coronavirus that affects hundreds of millions of people, BMTI has been strictly implementing the requirements of the Chinese government, China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) and the Ninth Academy of CASC (CAAET) for the prevention and control of the epidemic, closely tracking the development of the epidemic situation and actively responding to the impact of the current situation. In order to serve our customers better and ensure daily operation in this extraordinary period, BMTI hereby takes the following measures:
1.Consider the overall situation, focus on the prevention and control of the epidemic
Life is of paramount importance. When an epidemic breaks out, a command is issued. It is our responsibility to prevent and control it. BMTI has set up an epidemic prevention and control leading group in quick response to the outbreak, formulated a plan in advance and adopted a number of measures to maximize the safety of employees during the epidemic.
2.Put our customers first, fully respond to customer request in time
During the epidemic, we will continue our work. In order to ensure the operation of scientific research and production and the timely product delivery for customers, BMTI has established a scientific research and production guarantee working group during this period. We have formulated a series of measures and implementation plans to ensure that all scientific research and production runs normally, and the demands of our customers will be fully satisfied. BMTI has gradually resumed production from February 3rd, comprehensively sorted out the production tasks, rationally allocated the production resources, ensured the scientific research and production tasks to carry out in an orderly manner, complete the product delivery on time, and strive to reduce the epidemic impact to zero.
3. Upgrade management and ensure efficient operation online
BMTI upgrades the management mode, improves the information capacity, combines the on-site office mode such as staggered hours and flextime with telecommuting like telephone, WeChat to solve the problems such as customer technical support and products supply at any time. BMTI has resumed production on February 3rd, comprehensively sorted out the production tasks, rationally allocated the production resources, ensured the scientific research and production tasks to carry out in an orderly manner, complete the product delivery on time, and strive to reduce the epidemic impact to zero. February 10th is the official working time (unless otherwise notified by the authorities). But before that, the staff should comply with home quarantine as well as keep the cell phone and WeChat on 24 hours.You are also welcome to visit BMTI’s website, its international website www.casc-bmti.com and WeChat official account to learn more about BMTI and the latest information of our products.
Great love has no end, and there exists light in front of us. At present, BMTI will, as always, adhere to the development philosophy of "focusing on national prosperity, enterprise development and employee happiness" and the development goal of "building a world-class aerospace microelectronics enterprise", so as to protect the interests of customers to the greatest extent. At the same time, we also hope that the general customers, friends, partners actively take protective measures to ensure your own health and safety. Let us work hand in hand to tide over the difficulties so as to make the epidemic prevention and control work a success. We firmly believe that with the concerted efforts of the whole nation, with your understanding, support and help, we will surely win the epidemic war, embrace a better life and jointly welcome the spring flowers blossoming!

Beijing Microelectronics Technology Institute
February 5th, 2020
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